Regents approve FY21 operating and capital budget requests, delayed a decision on increasing tuition for academic year 2021

The 探花精选 Board of Regents concluded a two-day meeting, including a work session focused on clarifying roles and responsibilities across the UA system. The board adopted a $277 million state operating budget request but delayed a vote on increasing student tuition for academic year 2021 pending further engagement with student leaders. 

During two-hours of public testimony on Friday morning regents heard from students, staff and faculty, as well as Representatives Adam Wool and Bart LeBon, on a range of issues including concerns about a possible tuition increase, communication, policy changes and leadership.  

Adam Wool at Nov 8 Board of Regents meeting
Rep. Adam Wool offers public testimony on the Nov. 8 Board of Regents meeting in Fairbanks. UA photo by Monique Musick.

Under a compact signed in August with Gov. Michael J. Dunleavy, the $277 million state appropriation request reflects a $25 million reduction -- the second year of a three-year cut that will total $70 million in reductions. The total FY21 budget, including non-state revenue sources, is $831.6 million. Included in that budget request is budget support for athletic programs and funding for strategic initiatives through reallocation within each university. Regents also approved a $52.5 million capital budget request.

On Thursday, regents, university and governance leaders met with national higher education experts and engaged in a work session focused on clarifying the roles and responsibilities for the board, the president, chancellors and governance groups. Regents adopted a motion to conduct an audit of board policy and to consider recommendations for changes to board policy to clarify authority, roles and responsibilities, including issues identified during the workshop.

The Board elected Regent Sheri Buretta to serve as board chair and Regent Karen Perdue to serve as vice chair for the coming year. Regent Dale Anderson will remain the secretary and Regent Lisa Parker will remain the treasurer. 

Additionally Regents learned about research at the three universities, received an update on Title IX compliance and received an update on university athletics.