Update on budget, Board of Regents and restructuring planning


Greetings UA Community,

In today’s , President Johnsen discusses the important work happening this week on structural planning, and provides several very important updates. Additionally, there is a new webpage on the restructure planning effort. Check it out at .

  1. Later today Gov. Dunleavy will sign HB 2001 which reinstates $110 million to the university budget after his veto of $136 million in June; and, President Johnsen recaps last week’s agreement between the governor and the Board of Regents.

  2. The Board of Regents will be meeting tomorrow, August 20, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. to reconsider the declaration of financial exigency.

  3. Comprehensive furloughs will not be implemented in the coming year.

  4. The Board of Regents will meet Sept. 12-13 to consider the plan for how to restructure the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.

  5. This week there are workshops on academic structure involving many people from across the system. Additionally, various councils and other groups are examining administrative restructuring.

  6. Please fill out the , which will help inform the Board of Regents. However, there was a glitch in the early survey, so if you filled it out last Monday, you did not sign a voluntary consent form. If you were part of that first wave of respondents Monday morning, please click on the survey link to review the voluntary consent language and, if you agree, provide your name and e-mail address. You do not need to complete the rest of the survey.

  7. The website, , includes all the planning documents, a link to the restructuring survey, a feedback form and information on Board of Regents public testimony. The webpage will be updated as new information becomes available.

Thank you, have a great week.