UA Board of Regents to review FY24 budget, union contracts at its November 10-11 Fairbanks meeting

November 04, 2022

Who: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Board of Regents

When: Thursday, November 10 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.    
                 Friday, Nov. 11 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

What: The board will discuss the proposed FY24 operating and capital budgets, tuition rates for academic year 2024, and vote on the collective bargaining agreements between the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ and United Academics and the Fairbanks Firefighters Association. 

The meeting will feature a ‘Did You Know’ video presentation about the university system’s role in global Arctic leadership. Regents will review the annual reassessment of priority focus areas and targets for the Board of Regents' Goals and Measures.

Reports from the respective board committees, and reports from President Pat Pitney, chancellors, governance leadership, government relations, and Title IX will be provided. 

The board will hear updates on activities from the Alaska Native Success Initiative and the UA Foundation, and celebrate Regents John Davies, Lisa Parker, J. Scott Jepsen, and Sheri Buretta whose terms end in February 2023. The board also will do a first read of a System Office mission statement for inclusion in Regents’ Policy.

Where: Butrovich Building, Room 109, on the UAF Troth Yeddha campus. 

A is available.

Both meetings will be live streamed.