Minnie Naylor appointed director of UAF Chukchi Campus

July 21, 2023

Minnie Naylor was named director of the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Fairbanks Chukchi Campus in Kotzebue effective July 2.

Naylor has worked for UAF for nine years and most recently served as interim director of the Chukchi Campus, part of UAF’s College of Rural and Community Development.

Naylor was raised in Kotzebue, but has family from Shishmaref and Noatak. She grew up with guidance from her elders and community, and she holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in rural development from UAF. She hopes to be a driving force to develop leaders in her community and create opportunities to complete higher education in the region. 

As director, Naylor will lead the Chukchi Campus team in their mission — to be a responsive and collaborative campus that inspires and develops each student to contribute to their community’s cultural and civic needs. 


We asked Naylor a few questions about her journey and her role as a model for others:

On how her journey from UA student to director contributed to her success:

Three parts helped me in this role. 

What helped me be successful in college as a student was Rural Student Services (RSS). I rarely got homesick because of RSS because I was able to have that community support. As a ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Fairbanks student, I got first-hand experience of living on campus, doing homework and on-campus activities, and, most of all, getting life-long friendships. 

The second part was working as an advisor for Rural Student Services, providing comprehensive advising for my students and making it their home away from home. But I learned more about what each department does and advocated for my students and department.  

Lastly, it was growing up in Kotzebue and working with my region. I know the culture and people and can relate to my population. These three items made the transition into this role easier than most. Growing up in this town, we were taught we needed to grow our leaders, and I cannot wait to help develop our leaders. 

On what she wants those who look to her as a role model to know:

During my interim position, I had a high school counselor bring one of her students to my office. The counselor said, "This could be you." That instant, I knew representation matters. Stick to your end goals. After high school, I never thought I would obtain a master's degree, but it was the support and encouragement I had to do so. Have a great support system and people that will make you grow; Ask questions and advocate for others when their voice is little. The word role model humbles me, but I will leave breadcrumbs.


Chukchi Campus is a public, federally designated Alaska Native-serving institution. It offers two-year degree programs, as well as ways for students to complete bachelor’s degrees through distance-delivered courses and programs from the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡

For more information about the Chukchi Campus,  or call 907-442-3400.