Employees must remove non-UA email forwards by April 23

The deadline to cancel email forwards has been extended to Friday, April 23.

Per UA guidelines, employees are no longer allowed to forward their university email to non-UA email accounts, including personal email addresses. To be in compliance, employees must remove any non-UA forwards within their UA accounts by April 23, 2021.

  1. To update email forward options within your UA ID account:
    Log in at .
  2. To the right of ‘Email Destination’ select the ‘change’ box .
  3. Change the selected radial from ‘Other’ to ‘UA Google – Recommended.’
  4. Select ‘Save Settings,’ then ‘Sign Out.’

Learn more about the policy change at Ì½»¨¾«Ñ¡ Accounting and Administrative Guidelines: 3.4.

Questions about email forwarding? As always, your  is here to help!