Chapter 04.03 - Recruitment and Staffing

Chapter 04.03 - Recruitment and Staffing

P04.03.010. Recruitment Procedure.

Standardized procedures for recruitment will be established by university regulation. No recruitment will occur without available or anticipated budgeted funds.


P04.03.020. Screening and Selection Process.

Standardized procedures with appropriate constituent participation for applicant screening and candidate selection and notification will be established by university regulation.


P04.03.030. Special Recruitment Categories.

Categories and standardized procedures for alternative methods of recruitment will be established by university regulation. The university encourages promotional opportunities for existing employees.


P04.03.040. Public Disclosure.

The university will comply with Alaska law when responding to requests for employment applications and application materials.


Chapter 04.03 - Recruitment and Staffing

R04.03.010. Recruitment Procedure: Equal Employment Opportunity Statement.

Each regional human resources office will post the following statement: "Applications from all persons are welcomed; women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans are especially encouraged to apply. The ̽ѡ does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or status as a protected veteran in employment proscribed by: 

  • Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act as amended in 1991 
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 
  • Executive Order 11246 as amended 
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
  • Americans with Disabilities Act as amended 
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  • Equal Pay Act of 1963 
  • Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 
  • Immigration Reform & Control Act 
  • Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act 
  • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act 
  • Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 
  • Alaska Statute 18.80.220 and 14.40.050 
  • Regents’ Policy

Inquiries concerning the application of these regulations to the university may be directed to the regional or local human resources office and/or affirmative action office, Statewide Office of Human Resources, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor, Alaska Human Rights Commission, Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, as applicable."


R04.03.011. Recruitment Procedure: Affirmative Action Goals and Recruitment.

  1. The Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator will monitor hiring activities for progress towards affirmative action goals. The Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator will meet with senior administrators, deans, directors, human resources, and hiring officials to discuss affirmative action goals and to recommend recruitment strategies to meet those goals. 
  2. Hiring officials, with the assistance of the affirmative action and regional human resources offices shall make good faith efforts to recruit minorities, persons with disabilities, and persons in underrepresented categories, and will offer reasonable accommodation as appropriate.


R04.03.012. Recruitment Procedure: Reasonable Accommodation.

Applicants will be informed of the university policy to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants and employees with disabilities. They will be informed that they can request accommodations during any part of the application process, including interviews.


R04.03.013. Recruitment Procedure: Approval and Training.

  1. Each MAU will establish a process for approval to recruit to include, at a minimum, budgetary approval and approval by the regional human resources office. 
  2. The regional human resources or affirmative action office will provide training to hiring authorities and search committees as needed to promote effective selection processes that comply with policy, regulations, and applicable state and federal law.


R04.03.014. Recruitment Procedure: Employment Process.

  1. The hiring official will: 
    1. develop the vacancy announcement and advertising copy; 
    2. develop screening and evaluation criteria; 
    3. select the screening committee/individual screeners; 
    4. conduct interviews and reference checks; 
    5. select the best qualified candidate based on job-related criteria and available information; 
    6. obtain approval for the recruitment process from the regional human resources office prior to making the job offer; 
    7. for staff positions, identify appropriate starting salary in conjunction with the human resources office, and obtain authorization from the human resources office to offer the position and the approved salary; 
    8. for faculty positions, identify appropriate starting salary and obtain authorization from the Provost, or designee, to offer the position at the approved salary; 
    9. offer the position; 
    10. notify unsuccessful candidates; 
    11. submit required reports and documentation to the regional human resource office; and 
    12. forward recruitment records to the regional human resources office or maintain the records for the required period of time. 
  2. The regional human resources office will: 
    1. develop guidelines and processes for conducting and documenting recruitment and selection processes; 
    2. provide training on recruitment and selection processes; 
    3. approve vacancy announcements and advertising copy; 
    4. approve posted position requirements; 
    5. post vacancy announcements; 
    6. approve screening and evaluation criteria and processes prior to releasing applications to the hiring official; 
    7. approve screening documentation, including equal employment opportunity and affirmative action compliance, prior to proceeding to the interview process; 
    8. approve the recruitment process prior to authorizing the extension of a job offer; 
    9. for staff positions, approve the starting salary and step placement; and
    10. maintain recruitment records and documentation for required period of time.


R04.03.015. Recruitment Procedure: Recruitment Requirements.

  1. Recruitments may be opened with or without specific closing dates. Sufficient time will be allowed to produce a pool of applicants and to document affirmative action efforts, as appropriate. 
  2. Recruitments may be limited, with the approval of the human resources office, to current employees system-wide or at the regional, major organizational, or departmental level. Employees described in this subsection are also known as “internal applicants.” 
  3. Recruitment notices must include the following: 
    1. posting period; 
    2. position title; 
    3. position number; 
    4. notice of internal or external posting; 
    5. description of duties; 
    6. position requirements; 
    7. affirmative action statement;
    8. reasonable accommodation statement; 
    9. public disclosure statement;
    10. contact information. 
  4. The following affirmative action and public disclosure statements must be included in recruitment notices: 
    1. "An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educational institution." 
    2. "Your application for employment with the ̽ѡ is subject to public disclosure under the Alaska Public Records Act." 
  5. Advertisements are condensations of the recruitment notice and must include, at a minimum, the position title, posting period, contact information and the abbreviated affirmative action statement “EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled.” 
  6. Required education and experience will reflect the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the job satisfactorily based on the position description. Equivalencies to minimum education and experience qualifications may be allowed, except where required for licensing or accreditation.


R04.03.020. Screening and Selection Process.

  1. Screening is a process of reviewing applicants using uniform and consistent criteria to identify the most qualified candidates. Screening processes will be consistent with accepted human resource practice. All phases of the screening process and all evaluation criteria will be non-discriminatory, content valid, and job related, based on the position’s duties and responsibilities. 
  2. At a minimum, screening for a position will include evaluation of written applications, interviews, and reference checks. With approval of the regional human resources office, screening may be expanded or modified. Additional screening steps may include skills tests, written or practical tests, telephone interviews, writing samples or portfolios, and oral presentations.


R04.03.021. Screening and Selection: Reasonable Accommodation.

  1. If a candidate with a disability, who is otherwise qualified to perform the essential duties of the position, is recommended for selection and seeks a reasonable accommodation, appropriate accommodation will be made to allow performance of the essential functions unless to do so would pose an undue hardship or direct threat. 
  2. In determining what constitutes a reasonable accommodation, hiring authorities are required to contact the Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator and the regional human resources office. The specific accommodations are to be determined through appropriate consultation with the person with the disability.


R04.03.022. Screening and Selection: Records and Reporting.

Selection documentation, including applications, screening and evaluation materials, and applicant flow data, must be retained for a period of three years. Records and data may be retained in electronic or hard copy format.


R04.03.031. Special Recruitment Categories: Temporary Hire.

  1. Recruitment and hiring procedures for the hire of a temporary employee can be modified to include expedited hiring processes and timelines and direct hiring procedures.
  2. In the event a temporary or extended temporary position is re-authorized as a regular or term-funded position, the position will be filled according to policy and regulation


R04.03.032. Special Recruitment Categories: Emergency Hire.

  1. The authority to use the emergency hire process requires prior approval of the regional human resources office. The affirmative action office or regional human resources office will review emergency hire patterns to ensure that a good faith effort has been made to contact members of underutilized classes. 
  2. Emergency hires are made in unexpected cases where temporary employment demands are of a business necessity and emergency nature such as the following:
    1. to cover an employee on emergency or short-term, temporary leave; 
    2. to appoint a short-term, temporary employee to assist with an unexpected increase in workload; or 
    3. to temporarily fill a vacancy only for the duration of the normal recruitment and hiring process.


R04.03.033. Special Recruitment Categories: Casual Labor.

Casual labor is employment of an emergency or temporary nature for no more than five consecutive days for each irregular occurrence. Casual labor employment is not covered by the recruitment and selection processes described in R04.03.01004.03.022. Each MAU will establish specific criteria and define a process for casual labor. Hire documentation must be completed prior to hire and will be maintained by the regional human resources office.


R04.03.034. Special Recruitment Categories: Promotion and Transfer.

When a position, excluding faculty, university officers, and senior administrators, is created or vacated, a potential promotional or transfer opportunity exists for all current university employees throughout the university system. The hiring official may: 

  1. provide the vacancy as an internal opportunity before recruiting externally, in accordance with R04.03.015; for external postings, university employees will be considered on an equal basis with external applicants; 
  2. directly appoint a qualified employee into the position as part of a training or development opportunity or an approved Career Development Plan, with the approval of the regional human resources office.


R04.03.035. Special Recruitment Categories: Direct Appointment.

Direct appointment is a selection made without open recruitment and requires approval of the regional human resources office. Direct appointments may be granted pursuant to R04.03.033 and in those cases in which open recruitment can be demonstrated to be inappropriate, such as:

  1. a request for a noncompetitive placement in a vacant position in the same or lower salary grade within the university system; prior approval of such placements must be obtained from both departments affected and the regional human resources office; 
  2. to hire a qualified candidate from an underutilized class for whom an AAP hiring goal has been identified, provided that no applicant for employment may be directly appointed to any position solely on the basis of their protected class status; 
  3. to hire an author, principal investigator, or staff of a restricted fund or other sole source project where the position exists only if a particular individual with exceptional qualifications is interested and available; 
  4. to hire a term faculty member to replace a faculty member who unexpectedly fails to return for the beginning of classes, or is unavailable for other reasons, or when an unexpected increased enrollment warrants additional faculty.


R04.03.036. Special Recruitment Categories: Re-appointment of a Seasonal, Grant or Contract Worker.

An employee may be re-appointed into a temporary or term-funded seasonal, grant, or contract position within the same or following calendar year if the employee was originally selected and employed in accordance with policy and regulation and in consultation with the regional human resources office.


R04.03.090. Definitions.

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 

  1. “AAP” means affirmative action program; 
  2. “Hiring Official” means the department or MAU level administrator, manager or supervisor who has been delegated the authority to extend a job offer; 
  3. “Regional Human Resources Office” or “Human Resources Office” is the appropriate MAU office responsible for administering human resource functions.
