Chapter 02.06 - Open Meetings

Chapter 02.06 - Open Meetings

P02.06.010. General Statement.

The ̽ѡ will conduct meetings in accordance with AS 44.62.310 (the Alaska Open Meetings Law) and any additions or exemptions thereto.


Chapter 02.06 - Open Meetings

R02.06.011. Purpose

This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for giving reasonable public notice of open meetings held by governmental bodies of the university.


R02.06.012. Applicability.

This chapter applies to all meetings held by governmental bodies of the university system. In this chapter, the term “governmental body” means an assembly, council, board, commission, committee, or other similar body of the university with the authority to establish policies or make decisions for the university or with the authority to advise or make recommendations to the university; "governmental body" includes the members of a subcommittee or other subordinate unit of a governmental body if the subordinate unit consists of two or more members.


R02.06.013. Exceptions.

This chapter does not apply to: 

  1. A governmental body performing a judicial or quasi-judicial function when holding a meeting solely to make a decision in an adjudicatory proceeding; or 
  2. Staff meetings or other gatherings of the employees of the university, including meetings of an employee group established by policy of the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska or held while acting in an advisory capacity to the Board of Regents.


R02.06.020. Notice Requirements.

  1. Except for bona fide emergency circumstances, at least three (3) working days’ advance public notice shall be given for all meetings subject to this chapter. 
  2. Notice shall be given as follows: 
    1. Typewritten or printed notice of the meeting shall be posted on at least one public bulletin board at the affected campus or on a public website; reasonable efforts shall be made to post this notice on a public bulletin board or website that is most likely to attract the attention of known interested parties. 
    2. For those institutions that regularly publish weekly, biweekly, or monthly newsletters, reasonable efforts shall be made to include advance notice of meetings known to be scheduled at the time that the newsletter is prepared for printing. 
  3. Each notice must contain the following: 
    1. a description of the body holding the meeting;
    2. the time, date, and place of the meeting; and 
    3. the name and telephone number of a person who may be contacted for additional information regarding the meeting.


R02.06.030. Conduct of Meetings.

  1. Except when voice votes are authorized, and except as provided below, any votes taken by a body or group shall be conducted in such a manner that the public may know the vote of each person entitled to vote. This provision does not apply to votes required to be taken to organize the aforementioned bodies such as election of officers. 
  2. If excepted subjects are to be discussed at a meeting in executive session, the meeting must first be convened as a public meeting and the question of holding an executive session to discuss matters that come within the exceptions listed in C. of this section shall be determined by a majority vote of the body. No subjects may be considered at the executive session unless auxiliary to the main question. No action may be taken at the executive session except as permitted by AS 44.62.310. 
  3. The following excepted subjects may be discussed in an executive session: 
    1. matters, the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of the university; 
    2. subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person, provided the person may request a public discussion; 
    3. matters that by law, board policy, or university regulation are required to be confidential; and
    4. matters involving consideration of government records that by law are not subject to public disclosure.


R02.06.040. Responsibility for Implementation.

Each of the chancellors shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this chapter by covered governmental bodies within their respective institutions. The president shall be responsible for ensuring compliance by covered governmental bodies within the Statewide Administration, as well as covered governmental bodies that extend across institutional lines. The president and the chancellors may delegate their responsibilities for ensuring reasonable public notice under this chapter to such persons or positions as they may designate in writing.
