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Usibelli, Jr. Mary K. Hughes Brian D. Rogers, Board Chair I. Call to Order II. Adoption of Agenda MOTION "The Facilities and Land Management Committee adopts the agenda as presented. Call to Order Adoption of Agenda Approval to Proceed with Chukchi Science Addition Project Update on Legislative Issues V. Adjourn This motion is effective May 11, 2005." III. Approval to Award Chukchi Science Addition Project Background The Chukchi Campus Science Addition project has been competitively bid on three separate occasions. The November 2003 bid and the March 2004 bid exceeded the available construction funding and were rejected. Chukchi Campus obtained additional funding and on February 17, 2005 the BOR authorized the administration to seek competitive bids for construction. Approval to award the contract from the chair of the FLM committee was required. Total project cost was not to exceed $1,400,000. Funding sources were a blend of Title III, G.O. Bonds and re-allocated CRA general fund. Total funding available to award was $1,312,735. All the Title III funding is required to be expended by September 30, 2005. On March 24, 2005, UIC Construction submitted the only timely bid. Due to limited funding, the Chukchi Campus requested to award the base bid plus additive alternates 2, 3 and 4 for a total contract amount of $949,708. In April 2005, the chair of the FLM committee elevated the matter to the full committee. The committee declined to approve the award to UIC and the March 24, 2005 solicitation was cancelled. Authorization to proceed with an emergency procurement was granted by the university’s chief procurement officer on May 2, 2005. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was developed that included (1) Competition Process, (2) Evaluation, (3) Terms and Procedures and (4) Protest Procedures. A Fixed Price Proposal Form, which included Additive Alternates, a Deviation List, and a Benefits List, served as the document to evaluate proposal amounts. Sealed proposals were solicited from all the contractors that expressed prior interest in the project within the past year. Only one proposal was received on May 9, 2005. It was timely, included all the required material, and was determined to be a responsive proposal. The proposal was evaluated by the Selection Committee in accordance with the stated evaluation criteria. The contractor, Concor Construction, Inc., was determined to be a responsible contractor based on evaluations conducted in connection with two current projects with the university. Prices submitted were less than the same project bid in March 2005 and were determined to be reasonable. Due to the cost of the base proposal, all of the additive alternates were able to be selected as well as other benefits that increased the total project square footage and quality of the project. The positive aspects of the proposal include: The proposal offers to enclose the proposed deck to create 269 additional and usable square feet with the same finish as in the lab addition, thus exceeding the program requirements of the RFP. Using the additional enclosed space for additional offices or audio-conference rooms meets the needs of the Chukchi Campus and exceeds the expectations of this RFP. The lower base bid price allows acceptance of additive Alternate #1 to expand the student lounge and provide much needed windows. These windows will provide a view of the road from inside the campus building creating a more welcoming environment as well as better security. Installing FRP on the walls in the lab area will extend the life of the wall and reduce future maintenance costs. Installing a solid surface countertop, instead of the specified plastic laminate, extends the life of the countertop as well as reducing the future maintenance costs. Expediting delivery to the building’s rough framing by means of air freighting reduces the uncertainty of the barge’s schedule and availability, and allows for an earlier completion date. Construction cost per square foot went from $1,180 per square foot for 961 square feet (included Alternates 2,3, and 4) in March 2005 to $601 per square foot for 1,823 square feet (includes all four Alternates plus all five Benefits) in May 2005. As such, the proposal provides the campus with a project that has greater value and more usable floor space than the project bid in March 2005. It is recommended that the University accept the Concor Construction Base Proposal, Additive Alternates 1-4 and Benefits A-E, as shown on the attached budget, in the amount of $952,000. Previous Board Action At the February 2005 meeting of the Board of Regents, the following action was approved: PASSED "The Board of Regents approves a Total Project Cost for the Chukchi Campus Science Addition, not to exceed $1,400,000 and authorizes the administration to seek competitive bids for the construction. Approval is required from the chair of the Facilities and Land Management Committee before the construction contract can be awarded. This motion is effective February 17, 2005." The President recommends that: MOTION "The Facilities and Land Management Committee authorizes the university administration to proceed with the award of a construction contract for the Chukchi Science Classroom Addition Project. This motion is effective May 11, 2005." IV. Update on Legislative Issues Vice President Redman will update board members regarding the special session of the Alaska Legislature. V. 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