
As members of the University community, we all have a responsibility to help promote a safe and ethical campus environment and be part of the solution. Immediately report concerns or knowledge of any kind stemming from possible noncompliance, discrimination, other suspected university policy violations, crimes, fraud, waste or abuse and/or errors or irregularities in the university's financial accounting practices. 

The university concern includes possible violations that occur on university property, including leased facilities, interfere with any university obligation, whether legal, contractual or otherwise; or occur between members of the university community of students, faculty, staff and visitors to UA property. 

If anything comes to your attention that looks or feels suspicious, talk to your supervisor, and in the case of a possible crime, law enforcement. If you don’t feel comfortable going to your supervisor, utilize the confidential and anonymous UA Confidential Hotline to report. The hotline is a system-wide tool for receiving tips on risks and issues that could jeopardize the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡â€™s financial health, safety or reputation



Information to Include When Making a Report

In all cases, please provide as much detail as possible about your specific concerns along with any relevant information and supporting documentation.  Relevant information would include the following when known and applicable:

  • Describe what happened with as much detail as possible.
  • When did it occur? Please provide specific dates or the month/year.
  • Is it still ongoing?
  • Provide the full name of the individuals involved and any individuals with direct knowledge.
  • Provide the name of the programs and/or departments involved and/or affected.
  • Where did it occur?
  • If finances are involved please describe the amounts, accounts affected, and time period.
  • If physical property is involved please describe the property, location it was taken from, and where it is now.
  • Indicate if you have firsthand knowledge of the event? If not how did you become aware?
  • Indicate where we can obtain evidence to support your report if not provided as part of your report.
  • May we contact you for additional information? If so, how can we contact you?

No employee is permitted to engage in retaliation, retribution, or any form of harassment against another employee for reporting compliance-related concerns. As provided by the Board’s non-retaliation policy, reports made in good faith are protected from retaliation in accordance with Regents’ Policy 04.07.040, P04.08.040.A. and the Alaska Whistleblower Act AS 39.90.100 – 39.90.150.