Message to UA Staff from Staff Alliance

Greetings from Staff Alliance,

We want to take a moment to thank each of you for your hard work and dedication to the 探花精选. For all of us throughout the university, this summer will be far from normal. As you are no doubt aware, we are simultaneously navigating continued budget cuts and the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in a drive for transformational change planning.

Staff Alliance represents you to the Board of Regents and President Johnsen and serves as the collective staff voice in this transformational change process. Staff Alliance is made up of the leadership from UAA, UAF, UAS, and Statewide staff councils. Your campus staff council is composed of elected representatives that advocate on behalf of you. Information on the makeup of Staff Alliance is on our website

This summer we need your engagement to ensure the staff voice is accurately represented to the Board of Regents and President Johnsen. You can do this three ways: 

1) Contact your campus staff council representative(s)

2) Contact Staff Alliance directly: 

To share information with Staff Alliance directly, we have established a . Though not required, we encourage you to leave your contact information on the form so we can follow up with you if needed.

3) Submit public testimony to the Board of Regents:

We encourage you to also testify directly to the Board of Regents during public testimony on Tuesday, June 2 from 4 to 6pm. Alternatively, you may email your comments prior to the June 4 meeting to

Staff Alliance is dedicated to advocating on behalf of all staff. We can serve you better if we know your concerns, challenges, and ideas. Our goal is to promote staff and ensure the staff voice is included in governance and university decision-making processes.

Staff Alliance believes some of the solutions to our biggest problems lie within our own ranks, and with your engagement and support, we can help UA leadership navigate these uncharted waters and build the trust needed to navigate challenges in the future. 

Thank you for helping make staff governance work as effectively as possible and for allowing us to advocate for you. 

Thank You,

Mathew Mund
On behalf of UA Staff Alliance