On-site forums with CITO finalists

The CITO search committee narrowed the field to four finalists, and on-site interviews and stakeholder meetings are being held in-person (Butrovich 109) and over zoom. The candidates have the opportunity to introduce themselves, talk about their experience, and explain why they think they're a good fit for the position. After that, we open for Q&A/discussion.

The first three candidates held their forums July 20, July 21 and July 25. (Requires UA login to access.)

We’ve finalized the schedule for the fourth and final candidate – Dawn Stoyanoff - for Wednesday, August 10, with the staff forum at 11 am in Butro 109 and via (UA login required).

About the Candidate

Benjamin Shier 

Mr. Shier currently serves as Chief Information Officer at UAA, and has previous experience with the Alaska State Office of Information Technology and the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education.

William Anker

Mr. Anker currently owns and operates a consulting firm specializing in IT strategy and implementation. He previously served as Chief Information Officer for the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and for the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.

Frank Azuola

Mr. Azuola currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Information Technology at the University of Miami. He previously served in IT leadership positions at George Washington University and Temple University.

Dawn Stoyanoff  

Ms. Stoyanoff is the Senior Practice Director for CampusWorks, part of the leadership team responsible for establishing and growing a line of business within the Higher Education and Academic Medical Center market. She previously served as Associate Vice Chancellor of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer of the land- grant flagship University in Fayetteville, Arkansas and as Executive Director of System Shared Services at the University of Texas System Administration. 

Access their resumes and more on the page.

Please provide feedback via the Google form (also linked from the search page): .